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The first part of the plan went fine, except for my colleague's insistence on having the radio on. Julie was to take the first half, then I'd take over. I had planned to fly to the North East, but Julie's terrified of flying, so we agreed to take a company car and share the driving for the 290 mile trip. We get on, but we're certainly not close friends.

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She's several years younger than me and, in my personal view, a bit of an airhead. My colleague Julie was accompanying me on the trip. I expected the trip to be entirely routine, but it turned out to be anything but. I recently had to travel to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to train the staff there in a new IT software package we've installed. I'm a staff trainer with a large company, based in London, but with offices in other major cities around Britain.

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For the record – I know people are interested in this sort of thing – I'm 37 years old, five-feet-five tall, with short brown hair, hazel eyes, a reasonably pretty face, B-cup knockers, and a trim body thanks to 10 hours a week in the gym.

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